Monday, December 23, 2019

The order used here is determined by the complexity of the...

The order used here is determined by the complexity of the works that were selected for study during the specific period. The order starts from the least complex to the most complex as that way; it is easier for the students to understand the more complex ones. The less complex works prepares them mentally for what to expect as the difficulty increases in every step they make. Most of the poems reflect death as the principal subject. The poems also touch on religion. The writer is inspired by recurrent deaths in her town. This mortality rate inspires her to write mostly on death. Today’s writers are inspired by her ability to write on this responsive painful subject in a creative invented way. The main themes in the story are language,†¦show more content†¦The writer insists that for hope to be instilled back, reforms must be of Christian norms. Christianity is depicted as the major theme in the story . The argument is that Christianity serves as the only hope in the decayed society. Themes of hopelessness, immorality, hostility and corruption of the American dream are portrayed. Hopelessness is depicted by horrors of World War 1, poverty and difficulty in making a living. Morality decay is depicted by lose of hope in God due to lack of rule that govern human living. Human suffering also led to immorality. There was isolation in which each man struggled on their own to survive in the hostile world. Hostility was brought by overcrowding which resulted in poverty and crime. The author depicts isolation of individuals despite being surrounded by others. The great populations also made people less important. The American dream of ‘We can achieve’ was corrupted . The dreams of individuals became impossible due to prevailing hostile conditions. This dissolution was evident by disbelief and mistrust in religion and patriotism. Major themes in this short story are violence, foolishness of intellectuals, hypocrisy, pride and selfishness. 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